Autism Spectrum Disorder- Functional Abilities

The spectrum of Autism disorder manifests in the form of varied signs and symptoms. More so, research studies have revealed that early interventions significantly improve its concomitant clinical prognosis and psychological progression. However, early identification of this early neurodevelopmental condition is yet to achieve its precision in practical terms. Sometimes, the umbrella of Autism Spectrum Disorders is so misunderstood that children as well as adults with this neurotypicality are despised and very often considered as ‘lesser mortals’. Their functional abilities and skill sets are left in the lurch under the veil of social communication problems and so-called behaviour disorders. This not only violates child rights but also hinders their development as fully functioning individuals. Under these circumstances, the need for functional analysis of abilities and skill sets becomes imperative.
The present study is an attempt to develop an ability rating scale and sketch out the functional abilities as well as skill sets of children on the Autism Spectrum from a quantitative and qualitative perspective. The rating scale would serve as a useful and comprehensive tool for the ability assessment of the children with Autism Spectrum Disorder; foster an in-depth understanding of their current functional aspects; help the parents and professionals in the developing and implementing appropriate behaviour management, individualized educational plans and intervention approaches.
Professor Ronald is based on detection, causes, types and treatment of abnormalities in children Autism is a spectrum disorder. It implies that the manifestation of its characteristic features, signs and symptoms show variations across the individuals on the spectrum.

 This also indicates that no two individuals with ASD would show similar behavioural patterns, abilities and skill sets. Given a proper environment and suitable services, people with Autism have the ability to flourish and prosper in almost every walk of life. Owing to this both quantitative and qualitative approach to identify and valorise children with Autism becomes significant. The SMILES Ability Rating Scale has been suggestive of high psychometric properties and usability domains. It can be effectively used for sketching out the functional abilities and skill sets of children on the Autism Spectrum.  

Rett Syndrome

Autism is a lifelong neurodevelopmental condition. It is characterized by differences in behavior, social interaction, communication, special interests and sensory processing. These differences can present people on the autism spectrum with challenges in how they interact with their environment. To receive a diagnosis of autism, these symptoms need to be evident from childhood and impair the person’s daily functioning. Some characteristics of autism are common to a greater or lesser extent among many people on the autism spectrum; other characteristics are typical but not necessarily experienced by all people on the autism spectrum.
They have varying degree of difficulties in social interaction, language and communication, as well as behavior Autistic Disorder, or Autism, the impairments in the social and communication areas are severe and sustained and present before the age of three years (although they may not receive a diagnosis by this age). There is likely to be a restricted range of activities and interests. Autism is sometimes referred to as classic autism. Speech delay is a core feature of Autism. Individuals with Autism may also have an intellectual disability.
Developmental pediatricians, psychiatrists and psychologists who are qualified and experienced in assessing people on the autism spectrum diagnose autism. An assessment includes observations, standardized tests or questionnaires, and meeting with the individual, their family and service providers. Information is gathered about the individual’s strengths and difficulties, particularly in the areas of social interaction and social communication, sensory processing, and restricted and repetitive interests, activities and behaviors. There is no single behavior that indicates autism. Currently, there are no blood tests that can detect autism.
The following fields are covered Autistic Brain, Neuropsychology, Heritability, Vaccines, Applied Behavior Analysis Self-Injurious Behavior Epidemiology, Epilepsy, Neurological Disorder, Rett Syndrome, Intellectual Disability, Anxiety Disorders, and Autism in Children, Repetitive Behaviors, and Mental Health.
The usual times related to all publication processes of the Autism Research Journal are as follows From manuscript receipt to peer-review, From initial manuscript acceptance, with revisions, to return of the revised manuscript from the authors From return of the revised manuscript from the authors to final acceptance, final acceptance to an article in press From article in press designation to formal release of the electronic version and all online documentation.

Childhood Disintegrative Disorder

About Journal

SciFed Journal of Autism is an Open Access, peer reviewed, online publishing journal that aims to publish premier papers on all the areas of advanced research carried on in its field. Autism related developmental disorders in children and covers current research in this field. The scope of the journal focuses on the psychopathologies in childhood like autism spectrum disorders (ASD) which covers a broad range of empirical studies on basic genetic neurological mechanisms and influence in the development process including behavioural, biological, and educational and community aspects of ASDs. Generally, Autism comes under neurodevelopmental disorders category, subject areas included in this like Age-related conditions, autism spectrum disorders, hearing impairments, Down’s syndrome, dyslexia, Dyspraxia, epilepsy and Asperger syndrome, etc. The Journal of Autism, articles need to be of outstanding quality, broad interest and special importance. Autism Journal offers a fast publication schedule whilst maintaining rigorous peer review process. The article will subsequently be published immediately in both fully brow sable web form, and as a formatted PDF; the article will then be available through Journal of Autism. Although articles contain sound information, it should fall under the journal’s scope. Article will not be considered for publication even the importance is closely related. This will become apparent only after the peer review process. SciFed journal of Autism was starts on 2017 in the month of May. Autism journal was having strong and high profile Editorial Board. Eminent and active people were having a space in our editorial Board. The board has filled with University of Nantes, University of Tsukuba, Deakin University, Angelo State University, Florida International University, Ohio State University, and University of Southern California, etc. universities peoples. Some persons like Michel Bourin Psychiatrist in a centre for mental handicapped adults in Mont Redon, Sangeeta Singg was selected as a Top Psychologist in San Angelo University, Michael Popejoy Book Series Editor for Nova Science Publishers, New York He is Assistant Editor and Book Review Editor for White House Studies, and is a frequent contributor to Public Health. SciFed Journal of Autism was allowed only quality and original work for publishing, and it conduct strict review with subject experts. Autism Journal was serve both the scientific community and public by rapidly publishing high quality scientific papers that will promote advances in this important field of research.


SciFed Journal of Autism mainly focuses on all innovative themes belonging to Autism and how nerve cells and their synapses connect and organize, common neurodevelopmental disorder in children and elders.The diagnosis of autism and ASD brain-imaging tests to aid in the diagnosis.